Wolf Cichlid
Wolf Cichlid 3cm
Latin Name: Parachromis Dovii.
Water Quality: Will require a water temperature of 24°C - 28°C with a water pH between 6.8 - 7.8.
Compatability: Will eat any fish it can fit inside its mouth and any slow moving fish will become a target. The wolf fish is very agressive by nature so if you decide to keep with any other fish they must be monitored closely.
Diet: Carnivorous so a mixed diet of Cichlid pellets frozen or live foods such as lancefish, diced fillet, whitebait and prawns.
The Dovii Wolf Cichlid is originally from the Atlantic Slope; Aguan River in Honduras, the Pacific slope; Yeguare River, then Costa Ricas Moin and Bebedero Rivers.
Out of Stock